Diet for Cats with Diabetes Mellitus

Diet for Cats with Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is increasingly affecting cats and is leading to several other diseases. The diet and nutrition intake of diabetic cats have to be strictly taken care of so as to prevent the condition from getting worse. This condition is identified by an abnormal blood glucose level, which alters the rate of body metabolism. It can result from hormonal malfunction when the body does not produce enough insulin to cope with increased glucose levels in the blood. This can turn into a serious issue if left untreated. Diabetes mellitus can also occur from obesity when the body fails to recognize insulin due to excess body fat. No matter what the reason is, cats with diabetes mellitus require a strict diet. 1. Low carb content Cats with diabetes mellitus need to follow a diet plan with low carbohydrates. This is because a meal rich in carbohydrates can result in a sudden elevation in the blood glucose levels, resulting in increased demand for the hormone insulin. Meals with lower carbohydrate levels do not cater to alterations in the blood glucose too much and are, thus, highly recommended. 2. High protein content A compromised carbohydrate content needs to be compensated by a protein-rich diet.
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10 Houseplants that are Extremely Dangerous for Cats

10 Houseplants that are Extremely Dangerous for Cats

Just like humans, cats are allergic to certain plants. They could cause skin allergies and internal infections if ingested, and even lead to a fatality. Cats, like other animals, like to explore and would certainly sniff around and most likely chew on plants, so owners should be wary of houseplants! Here’s a comprehensive list of houseplants that cat owners should avoid keeping at home. 1. Aloe vera This plant is toxic for both cats and dogs. Look out for signs such as vomiting, anorexia, tremors, and change in urine color. This is one houseplant cat owners should definitely avoid keeping at home. 2. Lilies Many types of lilies are considered toxic for cats such as Tiger, Asian, Japanese Show, Easter, Stargazer, and the Casa Blanca. They can cause kidney failure in cats. 3. Marijuana Ingestion of this plant can cause depression of the central nervous system and incoordination. It could lead to increased heart rate, drooling, diarrhea, and vomiting. It could also lead to seizures and coma. 4. Sago palm All parts of this plant are poisonous for pets, but the seeds or nuts have the most toxins and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, depression, seizures, and liver failure. This is a dangerous houseplant that cat owners should be aware of.
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Factors to Consider Before Buying Cat Treats

Factors to Consider Before Buying Cat Treats

Cats loved to be pampered and be can be extremely demanding and attention-seeking. In most cases, these pretty fur babies do not settle just for your hugs and kisses and need more! Yes, we are talking about cat treats, which are downright their favorite. However, finding the right treats for your cat can be cumbersome. More than the taste they favor, you need to make sure it does no harm to your cat and is healthy. A little miscalculated diet can lead to your beloved cat gaining weight and becoming obese. As per reports, almost 56.9% of cats in the country suffer from being overweight and obesity. Thus, you need to be specific about what you feed your beloved pet. Here are some of the best tips for choosing cat treats that are non-toxic and also healthy so that you can take care of their nutrition and diet all at once. Herein, we provide some tips for choosing cat treats. 1. Never go with excess They are called “treats” for a reason and are meant for treating a limited number of times. If given in excess, cats tend to avoid their regular food and demand for more treats, leading to weight gain.
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Factors to Consider Before Using Essential Oils for Pets

Factors to Consider Before Using Essential Oils for Pets

Essential oils are highly concentrated forms of lipid-soluble, volatile aromatic compounds that are distilled from plants. They are generally used to give an excellent fragrance to the room, person or pet. Certain essential oils have therapeutic effects too and are generally used in massages while some are used for their aroma. A few essential oils are used on pets to alleviate problems such as odors and insect bites as well as to relax them. But these oils must be used properly on pets, or they can be very harmful. 1. Before you apply essential oils Certain factors should be considered before using essential oils on pets so that the desired effect is obtained without harming the:. It is always recommended to dilute essential oils with carrier oils before application as they are overpowering and can irritate the skin and eyes of pets. Pet should not be allowed to ingest essential oils. Essential oils are concentrated liquids, so they need to be used in small quantities. Mixing and blending different oils is ideal for pets. If the pet has any negative effects after using essential oils, it’s time to stop immediately. One should be careful when using essential oils at pulse points while grooming and petting their pets They should not lick at those spots.
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Home Remedies to Get Rid of Fleas and Ticks in Dogs

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Fleas and Ticks in Dogs

Constant scratching, loss of weight, anemia or strange behavior in dogs could indicate that it has a problem with ticks and fleas. A common problem experienced by dog owners, ticks can attach themselves to any part of the dog’s body and suck its blood to feed themselves. These ticks are usually active during the warm season, i.e., spring to autumn. Although there are many lotions and creams available, the use of natural remedies for fleas and ticks helps eliminate the parasites effectively without any harmful side-effects. 1. Aromatherapy oils Natural oils such as lemon, lavender, and basil are highly effective and act as a natural repellent for parasites. One should combine one drop each of any three oils with pure almond oil. Dip a cloth in the mixture and apply this natural remedy to offer relief from fleas and ticks. 2. Apple cider vinegar Another one of the many natural remedies for fleas and ticks, apple cider vinegar helps in removing the parasites latching onto the dog. One must never use apple cider vinegar directly on the dog and should mix it with water in equal proportion. 3. Neem oil With anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties, neem oil is a good choice of the many natural remedies for fleas and ticks available.
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Tips to Protect Dogs from Fleas and Ticks

Tips to Protect Dogs from Fleas and Ticks

Fleas and ticks can cause substantial health issues for your pet dogs. They not only suck their blood but also make general living very uncomfortable for them. These fleas and ticks should not be left for long periods on the body of your dog. Herein, we provide a few key tips for flea and tick prevention to protect your dogs against fleas and ticks. The prevention of fleas and ticks in the house will provide comfort and relief. There are many ways through which you can protect your dog from these pests, such as 1. Regular checks of ticks and fleas You need to regularly check for ticks and fleas on your dog. If you notice any changes in your dog’s behavior, do visit your veterinarian for proper consultation. 2. Grooming Regular grooming of your dog is also a necessity. It not only allows you to spend time with it them but you can also check for the presence of parasites. 3. Collars You can help prevent ticks and fleas in your dog with the help of a collar. This is one of the most preferred options for flea and tick prevention, these collars repel ticks around the neck and head.
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A Guide for Traveling with a Pet

A Guide for Traveling with a Pet

Traveling with a pet, especially for the first time can be quite a daunting task for both your furry buddy and you. Some animals are born travelers and don’t mind the jet-set life. They make great travel partners, but there are others who are scared, intimidated and might kick up a fuss, be it flight travel or road journeys. So, here’s a guide for pet-friendly travel. Follow these simple tips and enjoy traveling with your four-legged companion. 1. Pre-travel Pre-travel preparations before the journey are of the utmost importance and make it a pet-friendly travel trip. First, make sure that your pet is fit to travel. Get all the check-ups done and also get its vaccinations updated. Keep a first-aid box handy for your pet in case of any emergency. Also, keep his regular medicines with you. In case you are taking him/her by flight, ensure that you have him/her identification card in place, attached to his collar. Write his name along with your name, address, and phone numbers on it. Also, write the hotel/address you will be putting up at. It would be a good idea to get the RFID done in case your pet gets lost. If he/she is already microchipped, check that all the information given is accurate.
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The Symptoms and Triggers of Food Allergies in Pets

The Symptoms and Triggers of Food Allergies in Pets

Pets can be allergic to a wide variety of factors including environmental agents, household items and foods consumed. Diet or food consumed by pets is the most common cause of allergies in dogs and cats. Like humans, food allergy in pets can be diagnosed with the help of blood or skin tests. The pet is put on a hypoallergenic diet for at least eight weeks to identify the food allergy. Pet food allergies can develop at any age and even without a change in diet. Beef and dairy products are the most common causes of pet food allergies but are the two most important proteins in pet foods. Pet food allergies can be subdivided into two types: hypersensitivity reactions and food intolerances. In hypertensive reactions, the pet’s immune system misidentifies the proteins present in the food consumed as a threat to the body. In such cases, pets can suffer rashes and hives. But in the case of food tolerance, the pet’s digestive system is only affected and it reacts strongly to the food consumed with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Pugs, bulldogs, golden retrievers, labrador retrievers, and cairn terriers are some dog breeds that are more prone to food allergies.
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