Signs and Causes of Alcohol Abuse
Alcoholism is a condition in which the affected individual is unable to control his or her drinking habits due to dependence on alcohol. This condition is also termed as alcohol dependence or alcohol addiction. The individual suffering from this condition, i.e., an alcoholic, loses the ability to quench the urge to keep drinking. This not only damages their health but also causes concerns among their friends and family. Alcohol addiction recovery is a way through which an alcoholic can lead a normal and happy life. However, the individual should make an effort to work on their alcohol addiction and eventual recovery from it. It is not easy, but the decision to do so is a concrete step toward it.
1. Causes of alcohol abuse
Although any particular cause of alcohol abuse has not been determined by scientists and researchers, they do give some insights into what can contribute to alcohol abuse in an individual. Some of these causes include:
- poor mental health,
- a hostile physical and emotional environment, and
- genetic tendency.
2. Signs of alcohol abuse
Mentioned below are the most common signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse. Alcohol addiction recovery should immediately be considered by family or friends if they see these signs in any of their loved ones.
- The inability to say no
The individual may not be able to resist alcohol at all even after a considerable amount of consumption. Their family and friends will be able to notice this. They will also start drinking alone a lot more. - Lack of interest
The individual will not be interested in things or quickly lose interest in tasks. - Lack of focus
The individual will suffer from a lack of concentration. The alcohol in their system will not let them concentrate. They will be wary of things around them. - Anger issues
When confronted, the individual will get angry about it and try to evade the conversation. Anger will lead to outbursts, which causes further issues. Additionally, he or she will start suffering from other medical conditions. - The urge of having more
The individual will feel the urge to drink even more with each passing day. And to feel the same way, he or she will drink more as it is not achieved by the previous quantities of alcohol. So, the quantity increases even further. - Being aloof
The affected individual starts to alienate their loved ones and become secretive. They will start hiding necessary information that will later result in bigger problems. They start to prefer isolation rather than being in a group. - Deteriorating conditions
The individual’s mental condition progressively deteriorates. It starts with occasional blackouts and later moves on to constant mood swings of an extreme nature.
Alcohol addiction recovery requires consultation, counseling, and treatment. One must note that stopping the consumption of alcohol in one go will cause another set of medical problems; it could even be fatal. Alcohol addiction recovery should be done under proper supervision and with love and care from near and dear ones.