Warning Signs of Depression to Watch Out For

Warning Signs of Depression to Watch Out For

It’s natural to feel down sometimes, especially when going through major life changes, like moving to a new city or a romantic relationship has ended. What’s not natural or normal is when these feelings of hopelessness persist for months on end. When these feelings endure and life feels too overwhelming, it can be a sign of clinical depression. The first step to recovering from depression is to determine whether the persistent and relentless dark feelings are depression or the occasional sadness we all experience.   The following are the warning signs of depression to watch out for in yourself and your loved ones: Loss of interest Depression can rob people of the pleasure of activities and hobbies that were once enjoyable. Even social interactions can become overwhelming to a depressed person.  A withdrawal from activities or loss of interest in hobbies you once looked forward to is a telltale sign of depression.  Loss of energy and sleep changes People with depression often report feeling tired all the time to the point where their physical abilities have slowed down. This is one of the most debilitating symptoms of depression and this lack of energy can manifest itself in changes in a person’s sleep schedule.
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Does ADHD Cause Problems in Behavior?

Does ADHD Cause Problems in Behavior?

ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a medical condition that impacts various activities such as the ability to pay attention, the ability to sit still, self-control, etc. On a social level, the symptoms of ADHD can affect a child at school, at home, and in friendships and other relationships. Adults with this condition have issues with managing time, being organized, setting goals, and holding down a job. Furthermore, over time the symptoms can also create problems with relationships, self-esteem, and addiction. Despite quite a few children and adults being diagnosed with it, there is still a lot of stigma attached to the condition. A lot of myths about ADHD are widespread, preventing individuals from seeking the required help and treatment. One common myth is that the behavioral issues of patients are linked with this disorder. 1. Busting the ADHD myth related to behavior Issues For a child with ADHD, the prime challenge is trouble paying attention. But for parents and many others, the biggest problem is their behavior. Children with ADHD may be quick to lash out, throw a tantrum or be defiant when they are asked to do things they don’t want to do. One needs to understand and agree on the fact that defiance and tantrums are not symptoms of ADHD itself.
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The Side Effects of Cancer Treatments

The Side Effects of Cancer Treatments

Millions of people around the world are getting diagnosed with cancer annually. It is one of the biggest life-threatening epidemics worldwide today. The common cancer treatments primarily include radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery. However, all common treatments come with an array of side effects on the human body such as nausea, pain, and fatigue. For patients, the side effects of various common cancer treatments become a way of life and they live with it. These side effects make the patient’s life uncomfortable and miserable. In certain cases, the side effects become so worse that the patient is unable to stick to the treatment schedule and the treatment becomes less effective. Below is a list of five well-known side effects of common cancer treatments. 1. Nausea Nausea and vomiting are the most known side effects of chemotherapy. It has been observed that anti-nausea drugs provide relief to the patient to a certain extent. Further, a positive attitude of the patient helps counter it. It is also to be noted that avoiding greasy, fried, salty, or spicy food also helps to minimize the feeling of nausea. 2. Fatigue Fatigue is one of the serious problems that more than seventy percent of cancer patients need to deal with.
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Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment for Eczema and Atopic Dermatitis

Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment for Eczema and Atopic Dermatitis

Eczema and dermatitis are terms that are used for describing skin conditions or otherwise known as the “inflammation of the skin”. The words eczema and atopic dermatitis are often used synonymously by doctors for explaining the condition. The difference between eczema vs atopic dermatitis is that the former is non-specific and can be used for any sort of skin inflammation and the latter is a medical condition which is passed genetically and causes allergic reactions. 1. The difference between eczema vs atopic dermatitis Eczema and dermatitis often exhibit the same type of skin conditions that include irritations or rashes. Atopic dermatitis is usually the severe form and appears in different parts of the body such as elbows, knees, and neck. It usually begins in infancy and affects 10% of the population. 2. Causes of eczema and atopic dermatitis Atopic dermatitis is a skin irritation that is most commonly found in children rather than adults. It is not an allergic reaction. Several factors contribute to this condition such as genetics, environment, abnormal functioning of the immune system, and the skin’s ability to push out toxins. Other forms of eczema are more prevalent in adults and it is usually a reaction when you come in close contact with bleach, soap, specific metals, poison ivy, or other irritants.
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Everything to Know About Hemophilia

Everything to Know About Hemophilia

Blood is a vital part of the human body. Every component of the blood needs to be functioning properly for a person to lead a normal healthy life. A rare but serious condition where the blood doesn’t clot normally is called hemophilia. It is a condition where there is a lack of the proteins that are required for blood clotting. Hemophilia is an extremely rare disease 1 in about 10,000 people are born with this condition. Hemophilia is a genetically inherited disorder. 1. Symptoms of Hemophilia The signs and symptoms vary based on the level of clotting factor. If there is a slight decrease in the clotting factor you may bleed only after trauma or surgery. However, if there is a severe deficiency, you may experience excessive bleeding from cuts, injuries, after dental work or surgery. There may be pain or swelling in the joints and deep bruises. Nosebleeds and blood in the urine or stool are common for this condition. 2. Types of Hemophilia Hemophilia Type A It is a condition where there is a defective or missing Factor VIII protein. Hemophilia Type B It is a condition where there is a defective or missing Factor IX protein. Hemophilia Type C It is a condition where there is a defective or missing Factor XI protein.
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The Types of Leukemia and their Symptoms

The Types of Leukemia and their Symptoms

Cancer commences when the cells in the body start multiplying out of control. Cells present in any part of the body can become cancerous and spread to other parts. There are many types of cancer, one of which is leukemia. Leukemia can be curable or fatal, depending on the type of cancer. 1. What is leukemia? Leukemia is a cancer that starts in the cells that are present in the bone marrow. The bone marrow is where the blood-forming cells originate. When cells become cancerous, they do not grow, multiply or die as a normal cell would. As these cells increase in number, they eventually leave the bone marrow and enter the bloodstream. They spread to other parts of the body and stop cells from working as they should. 2. What are the different leukemia types? There are five leukemia types: Acute myeloid leukemia Chronic myeloid leukemia Acute lymphocytic leukemia Chronic lymphocytic Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia 3. What are the early symptoms of leukemia? The initial symptoms of leukemia are: Loss of appetite Weight loss Headaches Pain in the joints Shortness of breath Frequent infections Heavy bleeding when bruised While these are some of the initial symptoms, they may vary with the leukemia type and the stage of cancer.
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FAQs About Non-Small Cell and Small Cell Lung Cancer

FAQs About Non-Small Cell and Small Cell Lung Cancer

Cancer is one of the most dangerous conditions today. In this condition, cancerous cells multiply and spread throughout the body, thereby affecting their functions. Similarly, lung cancer is a type of cancer wherein the cells in the lungs cease to develop into healthy lung tissues. As the cancerous cells grow, they interfere with the functioning of the lungs which sends oxygen to all parts of the body through the blood. 1. What is lung cancer? The cells in the body constantly multiply, grow, and die allowing new cells to form. However, when there is a mutation in the cell, it could lead to the development of cancer. The mutation can be caused due to aging or various environmental factors. It has also been found that a series of mutations are what lead to the creation of lung cancer cells in the body. 2. What are the symptoms of lung cancer? Most of the types of lung cancer do not show any symptoms until they have metastasized. However, in some cases, the early stages may show a few symptoms. It is best to consult a doctor at the early stages as lung cancer treatments are more effective when started early. Some of the common symptoms of lung cancer have been listed as follows:
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The Different Stages of Multiple Myeloma

The Different Stages of Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer that is found in the plasma cells, which are the white blood cells. Plasma is the part of the cell that helps the body fight infections by making antibodies that can attack germs. Multiple myeloma treatments are dependent on the stage of the cancer. 1. What is multiple myeloma? Multiple myeloma is a condition that causes cancer cells to collect in the bone marrow where they increase in number. The body then produces abnormal proteins instead of the helpful antibodies which causes complications. The plasma in the blood is consequently affected, leading to symptoms. 2. What are the symptoms of multiple myeloma? The signs and symptoms of multiple myeloma depend on the stage of the disease. In some cases, there may be no symptoms. Some of the signs of multiple myeloma are: Nausea Bone pain Loss of appetite Constipation Fatigue Weight loss Excessive thirst Numbness in the legs 3. What are the different stages of multiple myeloma? To get multiple myeloma treatments, it is essential to know the stage at which the disease has been diagnosed. To determine the stage, the blood cell count and the protein in the blood and urine are analyzed.
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A Brief Overview of Ovarian Cancer

A Brief Overview of Ovarian Cancer

When the cells in the ovary begin to multiply abnormally and form a tumor, it is called metastatic ovarian cancer. Two ovaries in the female body produces the egg or ova, and they are the same organs that produce the female hormones progesterone and estrogen. The signs of ovarian cancer are often overlooked as they resemble any common illness, which makes treatment much more difficult. Here are a few of the early symptoms: Abdominal pressure, pain, and bloating Feeling full immediately after eating Difficulty in eating Frequent urination Other symptoms include heartburn, fatigue, indigestion, back pain, constipation, irregular menstruation, painful intercourse, and dermatomyositis. 1. What are the types of ovarian cancer? The ovaries are made up of three types of cells, and each can develop into a different tumor: Epithelial tumors are formed in the tissue layer outside the ovaries. Most ovarian cancer cases are due to epithelial tumors. Germ cell tumors are formed in the cells that produce the egg. This is an extremely rare type of cancer. Stromal tumors grow in the cells that produce hormones, and 7% of ovarian cancer cases are due to stromal tumors. 2. What are the risk factors of ovarian cancer? While the exact cause of ovarian cancer is unknown, certain risk factors increase the risk of developing it:
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Early Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Early Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that affects the joints in the body. Chronic inflammation of the joints is characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis. The inflammation and stiffness of joints is experienced mainly in the knees, fingers, hands, and feet. In some cases, rheumatoid arthritis is referred to as rheumatoid disease because it can affect the organs of the body. Rheumatoid arthritis treatment focuses on stopping inflammation and relieving symptoms. Early and aggressive treatment is required to stop the inflammation as quickly as possible. Additional rheumatoid arthritis treatment is aimed at preventing further damage of joints and organs and preventing long-term complications. 1. Signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis occur as periods of flare-ups and remission. Flare-ups are when the symptoms are pronounced, while remission is when they are less noticeable. Here are the early symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis: 2. Fatigue One may feel unusually tired for days or weeks together. Fatigue is accompanied by a general feeling of illness or depression for some people. 3. Morning stiffness This is an early sign of rheumatoid arthritis. One may feel stiffness and pain in the joints while waking up. Stiffness that lasts for a few minutes may worsen without prompt rheumatoid arthritis treatment.
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