Deciding the Correct Treatments for Breast Cancer

Deciding the Correct Treatments for Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer found all over the world. It is the second leading cause of cancer death among women, after lung cancer. It starts with a lump in the breast, a change in the breast shape, dimpling of the skin or fluid discharge from the nipple. Sometimes, you might experience a newly-inverted nipple or a red or scaly patch of skin. There are infallible treatments for breast cancer today, and mostly, the patient survives it with very few side effects. Let’s look at the most effective treatments for breast cancer available these days. Whichever treatment is chosen for curing breast cancer, the main aim is to rid the body of as much cancer as possible and to prevent it from returning. 1. Which treatment to choose? Before going in for any particular treatment of cancer, a doctor will consider the following: The type of breast cancer The size of the tumor and how far it has spread in the body (stage of the disease) If the tumor has receptors for HER2 protein, estrogen, and progesterone, or other specific features Age, menopause, and other health conditions 2. Types of treatments for breast cancer Some treatments for breast cancer destroy and remove the disease within the breast and nearby tissues such as the lymph nodes while others destroy or control cancer cells all over the body.
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Stages of Colon Cancer and Their Treatment Methods

Stages of Colon Cancer and Their Treatment Methods

The stages of colon cancer are determined after its diagnosis. Tests are conducted to ascertain whether the cancer cells have spread to other parts of the body or they are limited within the colon. Colon cancer progresses in the body in three ways and spreads to other parts of the body from its initial location. The process to determine the extent of the cancer is called staging and is required to be treated differently. After the stages have been determined, the treatment options for colon cancer include surgery (removing the cancer in an operation), local excision (cancer found at an early stage is removed without cutting through the abdominal wall), resection with anastomosis (when the cancer is large, it is removed along with some nearby healthy tissue, then the healthy parts of the colon are sewn together), and therapies. The following are the stages and treatment options: 1. Stage 0 (Colon Carcinoma in situ) and treatment for colon cancer: The stage begins when abnormal cells are found in the mucosa or the innermost layer of the colon wall. The growth may become cancerous and spread to normal tissues. The treatment includes surgery which can be local excision, resection, and anastomosis. 2.
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Treatment Options for Spinal Muscle Atrophy (SMA)

Treatment Options for Spinal Muscle Atrophy (SMA)

Spinal Muscle Atrophy (SMA) is a condition that is prevalent in babies and children. When suffering from this condition, people are unable to utilize their muscles. It is caused by a breakdown of the neurological cells within the spinal cord and the brain. This, in turn, ceases the transmission of messages which control muscle movement. Symptoms include shrinking and weakening of the muscles, resulting in issues with head movement, sitting, and walking, along with issues with breathing and swallowing. The severity of the disorder depends on the types of Spinal Muscle Atrophy (SMA). This condition has no cure but can be managed with treatment that can minimize the symptoms which helps to improve the quality of life and also helps patients live a longer life. Spinal Muscle Atrophy (SMA) does not have an impact on brain development in any way. The child can recognize people, remember things, and make friends. 1. Spinal Muscle Atrophy (SMA) types include: Type 1 This is a serious SMA type where the child is unable to sit or raise their head without help. Floppy legs and arms and issues with swallowing are also the other symptoms. However, muscle weakness is the primary concern. Type 2 This affects children who are 6-18 months old.
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Signs and Causes of Alcohol Abuse

Signs and Causes of Alcohol Abuse

Alcoholism is a condition in which the affected individual is unable to control his or her drinking habits due to dependence on alcohol. This condition is also termed as alcohol dependence or alcohol addiction. The individual suffering from this condition, i.e., an alcoholic, loses the ability to quench the urge to keep drinking. This not only damages their health but also causes concerns among their friends and family. Alcohol addiction recovery is a way through which an alcoholic can lead a normal and happy life. However, the individual should make an effort to work on their alcohol addiction and eventual recovery from it. It is not easy, but the decision to do so is a concrete step toward it. 1. Causes of alcohol abuse Although any particular cause of alcohol abuse has not been determined by scientists and researchers, they do give some insights into what can contribute to alcohol abuse in an individual. Some of these causes include: poor mental health, a hostile physical and emotional environment, and genetic tendency. 2. Signs of alcohol abuse Mentioned below are the most common signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse. Alcohol addiction recovery should immediately be considered by family or friends if they see these signs in any of their loved ones.
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Types of Allergies and their Triggers

Types of Allergies and their Triggers

An inappropriate response from the body’s immune system to a normally harmless substance known as an allergen is called an allergy. When the allergen comes in contact with the body it does not react immediately. The immune system gradually recognizes and remembers the allergen, and becomes sensitive to the substance and starts making antibodies to fight the allergen. This process is called sensitization, which sometimes takes weeks or even years, in such cases the patient might experience some symptoms but not a full allergy. Dust, pollen, and nuts are some of the most common allergy types. Allergies can be minor or severe, e.g., a life-threatening allergy type is known as Anaphylaxis. Skin and blood tests are done to diagnose allergy types. There are various types of allergies and the triggers that cause them are even more. Some of them are 1. Pet fur Allergies to pets with fur are very common in people suffering from asthma. Hay fever, runny nose, sneezing are common symptoms of this allergy type. Exposure to dead flakes of pet skin, animal fur are some triggers to pet allergies. Avoiding keeping pets in the house or reduced exposure to pets can help. prevent this allergy. 2.
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Choosing the Right Mattress for Back Pain

Choosing the Right Mattress for Back Pain

Back pain is becoming a common issue among people in the country. Millions of people are living with some form of back pain ranging from minor to chronic issues. It has been observed that in addition to chiropractic treatments, sleeping on a comfortable mattress effectively manages back pain. Sleeping on an uncomfortable bed or mattress always tends to make the symptoms of back pain worse. Ergonomic mattresses encourage a good sleeping posture, relax the muscles, and ensure wholesome and healthy sleep. However, you will not always get the perfect mattress to match your comfort and choice. This makes it extremely important to choose a mattress that offers you the most support in your natural sleeping posture and helps keep back pain away. You should consider both comfort and support for your back and research all your options well before making a final decision. Today, the market offers a variety of mattresses of different brands and quality for your sleeping needs. Due to the wide array of choices available in the market, choosing the right one for you is made all the more difficult. Here’s a list of the top things you need to keep in mind while shopping for a mattress to manage your back pain woes and ensure greater sleeping comfort and back support:
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Treatments for Every Stage of Breast Cancer

Treatments for Every Stage of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is slowly becoming the most common form of cancer in women. The first noticeable symptom of this medical condition is the formation of lumps in the breast or the armpits. Other common symptoms include a rash on or around the nipple, changes in the size of the breast, changes in the shape of the breast, pain around the breast and armpit regions, and a type of discharge from either or both nipples. Breast cancer stages depend on the size of the tumor. It also depends on whether the tumor has spread to other parts of the body. Before discussing treatments for every stage of breast cancer, it is imperative to understand what each stage of breast cancer is. 1. Stage 0 Known as ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), the tumor cells are limited to within a duct in stage 0. Adjoining tissues have not been affected yet. At this stage, the cancer is still non-invasive. If detected early, breast cancer can be stopped from developing into invasive breast cancer. The treatment procedure conducted is lumpectomy, i.e., the cancerous cells are removed through surgery. As a result, the tumor cells do not spread further. Oral hormone treatment is also preferred.
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Deep Vein Thrombosis: Signs, Symptoms, and Prevention

Deep Vein Thrombosis: Signs, Symptoms, and Prevention

Deep vein thrombosis is a medical condition that occurs when a blood clot forms in a deep vein located deep inside the body. It typically forms in the thigh or lower leg, but it can develop in other areas of the body too. It usually causes leg pain or swelling, but sometimes there might be no symptoms at all. It is a serious condition and can lead to fatality as blood clots in the veins that have become loose, travel through the bloodstream and get lodged in the lungs, blocking blood flow. This makes it all the more important to not only know how to identify the symptoms but adopt necessary deep vein thrombosis prevention tips, especially if one is at risk of the condition. 1. Signs and symptoms Swelling in the affected leg Pain in the leg due to cramping or soreness that often originates in the calf. Redness or discoloration of the skin on the leg. A warm feeling in the affected leg. Enlarged veins. In addition, other symptoms experienced by individuals suffering from deep vein thrombosis are: Shortness of breath Chest pain, which increases when you take a deep breath Blood in the cough Higher heart rate 2.
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Eye Infections: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Eye Infections: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Various eye infections and diseases can be caused due to bacteria, fungi, or viruses. Based on the nature of infections, they can occur in different parts of the eye. Such infections can affect one or both eyes. Read on to know the warning signs, causes, and treatments for eye infections and diseases. 1. Signs and symptoms of common eye infections and diseases Red eyes Pain Eye discharge Watery eyes Dry eyes Light sensitivity Swelling around the eyes Itching Blurry vision 2. Causes of eye infections diseases There are various types of eye infections that can be developed based on their causes. Below is a brief overview of some common eye infections and their causes. Conjunctivitis or pink eye It is one of the highly contagious eye infections. Hence, conjunctivitis can spread among children quickly in classrooms, daycare centers, and such similar environments. In general, common infectious conjunctivitis has viral or bacterial origins. Viral keratitis In addition to the common pink eye, there are various other viral eye infections and diseases that are common, which are referred to as viral keratitis. These usually occur due to the exposure to the herpes simplex virus. Fungal keratitis This type of eye infection is primarily associated with Fusarium fungi, which is commonly found in organic matter.
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6 Routine Gum Care Tips for Oral Health

6 Routine Gum Care Tips for Oral Health

An inflammation in the gums that slowly starts affecting the bones that surround the teeth is called gum disease. Good dental hygiene can be maintained by taking proper care of your gums along with your teeth. Compact and hard gums are a sign of healthy gums, whereas spongy, pale, or red gums are signs of unhealthy gums. If proper gum care is not ensured, it can cause the teeth to become loose and may even require extraction of the teeth by a dentist. You should not ignore proper care of gums as it plays a vital role in oral hygiene and health. Gum disease can cause the following problems: Bleeding of the gums while brushing or flossing Red or swollen gums Receding gums, making the teeth look longer Bad breath The risk of gingivitis Toothache You can also be affected by other ailments due to lack of oral hygiene, and maintaining oral hygiene directly helps in maintaining overall health. 1. Brush your teeth properly A simple and convenient gum care tip is to brush your teeth properly at least twice a day. While brushing, a soft toothbrush should be used, along with a fluoride toothpaste. Hold the toothbrush at an angle of 45 degrees so that the surface of the gum and teeth are cleaned properly.
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